UPSC 2021 Mains GS1 - All Model Answers



Feb, 2025

1 min read

GS1 2021 Model Answers

  1. Evaluate the nature of Bhakti Literature and its contribution to  Indian culture.
  2. Trace the rise and growth of socio-religious reform movements with special reference to Young Bengal and Brahmo Samaj
  3. Assess the main administrative issues and socio-cultural problems in the integration process of Indian Princely States
  4. Differentiate the causes of landslides in the Himalayan region and Western Ghats
  5. Despite India being one of the countries of Gondwanaland, its mining industry contributes much less to its Gross Domestic Product(GDP) in percentage. Discuss
  6. What are the environmental implications of the reclamation of the water bodies into urban land use? Explain with examples.
  7. Mention the global occurrence of volcanic eruptions in 2021 and their impact on regional environment
  8. Why is India considered as a subcontinent? Elaborate your answer
  9. Examine the uniqueness of tribal knowledge systems when compared with mainstream knowledge and cultural systems
  10. Examine the role of ‘Gig Economy’ in the process of empowerment of women in India.
  11. To what extent did the role of the moderates prepare a base for the wider freedom movement? Comment.
  12. Bring out the constructive programmes of Mahatma Gandhi during Non-Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement.
  13. There arose a serious challenge to the Democratic State System between the two World Wars.” Evaluate the statement
  14. Briefly mention the alignment of major mountain ranges of the world and explain their impact on local weather conditions, with examples.
  15. How do the melting of the Arctic ice and glaciers of the Antarctic differently affect the weather patterns and human activities on the earth?
  16. Discuss the multi-dimensional implications of uneven distribution of mineral oil in the world
  17. What are the main socio-economic implications arising out of the development of IT industries in major cities of India?
  18. Discuss the main objectives of Population Education and point out the measures to achieve them in India in detail
  19. What is Cryptocurrency? How does it affect global society? Has it been affecting Indian society also?
  20. How does Indian society maintain continuity in traditional social values? Enumerate the changes taking place in it.

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