6 Months Preparation Plan for UPSC Prelims and Mains



Feb, 2025

12 min read

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

When you aim to crack UPSC in just six months, this quote by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is a powerful reminder of what focused determination can achieve. Yes! 6 months is a tight deadline! But with the right focus and a well-crafted plan, you can ace both the Prelims and Mains in this limited time.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam is one of the most prestigious and competitive exams in India, opening doors to a career in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and more. Clearing this exam can put you in a position where you're not just shaping your future but contributing to the nation’s governance and policy-making.

In this 6-month UPSC preparation plan, we'll break down a powerful strategy that balances both the Prelims and Mains. This guide will ensure that you cover all the essential subjects and hone your answer-writing skills. Let’s dive into the strategy that could define your future!

Understanding the UPSC Examination

The UPSC Civil Services Examination is a challenging, multi-tiered selection process aimed at identifying the finest minds for India’s elite civil services. To succeed, aspirants need to understand the exam's structure thoroughly. It consists of three pivotal stages:

  • Preliminary Examination (Prelims)
  • Main Examination (Mains)
  • Personality Test or Interview

Each stage presents unique challenges and demands its own preparation strategy. To tackle this process effectively, let's break down what each phase entails and how you can approach it systematically.

Prelims: The Screening Test

The Preliminary Examination is the initial stage and acts as a qualifying round to shortlist candidates for the Mains examination. It comprises two objective-type papers:

General Studies Paper I: This paper covers various subjects, including history, geography, politics, economics, science and technology, environment, and current affairs.

General Studies Paper II (CSAT): This paper focuses on aptitude, logical reasoning, and basic numeracy. 

  • Each paper is worth 200 marks
  • 2 hours (120 minutes) for each paper.
  • Paper I determines your eligibility for the Mains. 
  • Paper II qualifying is qualifying in nature, requiring candidates to score at least 33% to pass.
  • Every incorrect answer attracts 1/3rd negative marks

Mains: The Descriptive Examination

Candidates who clear the Prelims advance to the Main Examination, which is the heart of the UPSC exam. The Mains consist of nine descriptive papers, which assess a candidate's in-depth knowledge, analytical abilities, and writing skills. These include:




Paper-A(Compulsory Indian Language) 

Paper-B (English)


Both are qualifying papers.

Candidates must score at least 25% (75 marks) to pass.

Essay Paper


Essay writing on specific topics.

General Studies Paper I


Covers Indian History and Culture, History, and Geography

General Studies Paper II


Focuses on governance, constitution, polity, social justice, and international relations.

General Studies Paper III


Involves topics on technology, economic development, biodiversity, environment, security, and disaster management.

General Studies Paper IV


Deals with ethics, integrity, and aptitude.

Optional Papers I & II


Allow candidates to showcase their expertise in a subject from a list provided by UPSC. 

  • These seven papers that count towards the final ranking add up to 1750 marks.
  • Qualifying Papers (Paper-A and Paper-B) are mandatory to pass, but their marks do not add to the total.

The Interview: The Final Stage

The final stage of the UPSC exam is the Personality Test, commonly known as the Interview. This phase evaluates candidates on qualities like communication skills, presence of mind, and overall suitability for a career in civil services. The interview panel doesn't just focus on knowledge but also looks at how well-rounded the candidate is, taking into account both personal traits and professional understanding.

The marks from the Mains (1750 marks) are combined with the Interview marks (275 marks) to determine the final ranking. In total, 2025 marks decide your place in the merit list.

For more guidance, check out: Simple Guide to UPSC Interview Preparation: Essential Tips and Strategies.

Understanding this process is the foundation for your 6-month UPSC preparation journey. Now, let’s dive deeper into how to tackle each stage in this tight time frame!

Month-by-Month UPSC Preparation Breakdown

After understanding the structure of the UPSC exam, the next crucial step is building a solid strategy for each stage. With just six months in hand, it’s important to make every single day count. The key lies in crafting a month-by-month plan that breaks down the massive UPSC syllabus into manageable chunks. This approach ensures you cover everything from building a strong foundation to mastering your optional subjects, staying updated on current affairs, and practicing with mock tests.

Let’s dive into this detailed month-by-month breakdown to help you stay on track and make the most of your six months:

Months 1-2: Foundation Building and Optional Subject 

The first two months are all about building a strong foundation and getting a firm grip on your optional subject. Start with the basics of General Studies and simultaneously focus on Optional Papers.

Key Focus Areas:

  • NCERT Books: Begin with revising the NCERT textbooks for subjects like History, Geography, Polity, and Economy. These are your building blocks. Dive into the ultimate guide and explore the list of NCERT Books Required for UPSC Exam Preparation. Get started now with expert-recommended books!
  • Optional Subject: Pick your optional subject and go through its syllabus thoroughly. Start reading the standard books and practice writing answers.
  • Daily Current Affairs: Make it a habit to read newspapers like The Hindu or Indian Express. Focus on important editorials and make short notes. Get access to SuperKalam's daily summaries of important news articles for UPSC. 

Also watch: How to Read The Hindu and Make Notes | A Complete Guide | SuperKalam

To effectively cover your study syllabus, consider the following key sources: 




  • History - Class VI-XII
  • Polity - Class XI-XII,
  • Geography - Class VI-XII 
  • Economics - Class IX-XII
  • Sociology - Class XI-XII
  • Science - Class VI-XII

Current Affairs

  • The Hindu (Editorial Section)
  • The Indian Express
  • PIB (Press Information Bureau) Website and YouTube Channel
  • PRS Legislative Research Website 
  • Yojana Magazine

Here’s an ideal timetable that you can follow to cover the syllabus  extensively in the first two months of your 6 months upsc preparation plan: 

Study Slot 


4:30 AM 

Morning Routine

5 AM – 8 AM

NCERT Reading 

8 AM – 9 AM

Breakfast/ Break

9 AM – 12 PM

Optional Subject 

12 PM – 1 PM

Lunch Break & Rest 

1 PM – 3 PM

General Studies (I II III IV) 

3 PM – 4 PM

Break/ Refreshment 

4 PM – 6 PM

Daily Current Affairs Reading 

6 PM – 8 PM

General Studies (I II III IV) + Answer Writing

8 PM – 9 PM

Dinner Break 

9 PM – 10:30 PM

Cover backlogs/ Light reading/ Plan for the next day

10:30 Onwards 

Meditation & Sleep 

Tip: Keep your 2-month schedule practical and manageable. Trying to cram too much into your day can lead to burnout, which is counterproductive. Pace yourself by including short breaks and downtime to recharge. 

Also read: Setting a Study Timetable for UPSC Preparation 

Months 3-4: Subject-Specific Reading and Intensive Learning

Now that your foundation is solid, shift your focus to specific subjects. These two months will involve intensive learning, current affairs consolidation, and subject-specific preparations for both Prelims and Mains.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Subject-wise Focus: Dive deep into each subject for General Studies. Allocate specific days or weeks to topics like Geography, Environment, Science & Tech, and International Relations.
  • Current Affairs: By now, you should have a repository of current affairs. Continue revising them and link them to your syllabus.
  • Answer Writing Practice: Practice writing answers for Mains. Focus on structure, coherence, and time management.

Go through this recommended weekly study plan for the third and fourth months to cover the general studies syllabus in detail: 


General Studies Focus Area 

Week 1 

History + Art & Culture 

Week 2

Polity + Current Affairs Consolidation

Week 3

Geography + Environment 

Week 4


Week 5

Science & Technology and IR 

Week 6

Polity + Optional Subject (Paper-I)

Week 7

Ethics + Essay 

Week 8

Optional Subject (Paper-II) + Current Affairs Consolidation

Tip: Set aside at least 30-45 minutes each day for answer writing. Pick questions from previous years or mock tests and practice within a time limit. Ensure that you not only write but also review your answers critically. 

Want to start answer writing? Check out our guide on How to begin daily writing practice for UPSC Mains answers.

Do not overburden yourself with every bulky resource available in the market. Take note of this recommended list of  reference books useful for covering the Mains syllabus for each paper: 

Mains Subject

Reference Books

Essay Paper 

  • Essays for the UPSC Mains Examination by M Laxmikant
  • 151 Essays for IAS/ PCS & Other Competitive Exams by Disha Publications
  • Mastering the Essay: For UPSC Mains by Subhash Kashyap

General Studies Paper I

  • History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
  • India After Independence by Bipan Chandra
  • India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
  • Geography by Certificate Physical and Human by Goh Cheng Leong
  • Geography of India by Majid Husain
  • World Geography by Majid Husain

General Studies Paper II

  • Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
  • Governance in India by M. Laxmikanth
  • India’s Foreign Policy by K.P. Mishra
  • Introduction to Constitution of India by D.D Basu 

General Studies Paper III

  • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
  • Science and Technology in India by TMH
  • Environmental Studies by Rajagopalan
  • Challenges to Internal Security of India by Ashok Kumar and Vipul
  • Disaster Management notes – IGNOU
  • Cyber Security notes – IGNOU
  • Economic Survey by Government of India

General Studies Paper IV

  • Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude by G. Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chowdhury
  • Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude by Niraj Kumar
  • Ethics in Governance - ARC Report

Smartly incorporate these study materials into your study routine to effectively prepare for UPSC in 6 months. Let’s move on to the last phase of the 6-month UPSC preparation plan!

Months 5-6: Intensive Revision Session, Mock Tests and Practice 

The last two months are for intensive revision and mock tests. This is where your preparation gets refined and sharp. Focus on recalling key facts, revising your notes, and doing simulated test environments to fine-tune your performance.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Full Syllabus Revision: Dedicate weeks to revising each subject, along with your optional papers. Revise important facts, concepts, and current affairs.
  • Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests for both Prelims and Mains. These tests will help you identify gaps in knowledge and improve your speed.
  • Extensive Preparation: Focus on key areas like maps, government schemes, economic data, and crucial editorials.

Follow this sample daily study schedule (Months 5-6) for the last tuning of your preparation: 

Time Slot 


5:30 AM

Morning Routine 

6 AM – 8 AM

Revision Session- 1 (General Studies) 

8 AM – 9 AM

Breakfast/ Break

9 AM – 12 AM

CSAT Practice Session 

12 AM – 1 PM

Lunch Break & Rest 

1 PM – 3 PM  

Revision Session- 2 (General Studies)

3 PM – 4 PM  

Tea Break/ Refreshment

4 PM – 6 PM

Mains Answer Writing Practice

7 PM – 8:30 PM

Revision Session- 3 (Current Affairs)

8:30 PM – 9 PM

Dinner Break 

9 PM– 10: 30 PM

Cover backlogs/ Light reading/ To-Do List for the next day

Also watch: Complete GS Syllabus Revision with LIVE UNLIMITED TESTS

Tip:  Give one or two mock tests every weekend in real exam format. After the test, thoroughly review your answers to identify areas for improvement. 

Make sure to schedule regular self-assessments to track your progress and make necessary adjustments to your study plan. Every 2-3 weeks, review your strengths and weaknesses based on mock test results and subject comprehension. This ensures you're consistently improving and staying on the right track toward your 6-month UPSC preparation goals. 

Also watch: I used this Simple but Effective Strategy to Clear Prelims in all my Attempts - UPSC Topper Karthik

Effective Study Techniques for 6 Months UPSC Preparation Plan

As the saying goes, “Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.” Consistency, paired with effective techniques, will boost your understanding, retention, and performance.

But what study strategies are truly effective for cracking the UPSC exam? Are you making the most of your study time, or simply going through the motions? Let’s explore some proven techniques that will help you maximize your preparation.

Active Recalling and Note-Taking: 

Active recall is one of the most powerful techniques for UPSC preparation. Instead of passively reading, quiz yourself on key facts and concepts regularly. Make concise, organized notes that you can quickly refer to during revision. Create visual mind maps to connect concepts and improve recall. This works wonders for complex topics like Geography, Polity, and Economy. Summarize what you’ve learned in your own words. It’s the best way to ensure the information sticks!

Also watch: 1 Mind-Map A Day Series | UPSC CSE 

Practice Previous Year’s Question Papers

Solving past UPSC papers is a must. Practicing previous years’ question papers helps you understand the exam pattern, key themes, and the types of questions asked. You’ll also learn time management, which is essential for both Prelims and Mains.

Online Mock Tests and Answer Writing Practice

Mock tests are your training ground. Take regular online mock tests to simulate exam conditions and get comfortable with time pressure. Pair this with daily answer writing practice, as it sharpens your ability to present answers clearly and concisely.  

Do you know that SuperKalam offers a range of mock tests that replicate the UPSC exam pattern? Test your knowledge with SuperKalam’s 1-minute Mains Answer Evaluation & get feedback within seconds.

Use Online Resources

Leverage online resources for comprehensive study material, video lectures, and current affairs updates. Are you using free or paid resources to stay updated and expand your understanding of key topics? SuperKalam is an AI-powered platform designed to supercharge your UPSC prep with the best of both worlds - Self Study Platform plus Mentorship. Get personalized coaching, practice MCQs anytime, and analyze daily news – all in one powerful platform. 

Use 30 minutes during your lunch break to quickly revise 1-minute mind-maps or practice MCQs 24x7 on any topic on SuperKalam. Reach your full potential with SuperKalam’s mentor-guided courses! 

Join Study Groups & Discussions

Have you joined any study groups? Engaging in group discussions helps broaden your perspective and reinforces your knowledge. Study groups can also keep you motivated and accountable. Sharing insights with peers can help you discover new ways to approach difficult topics. 

Want to become part of a thriving UPSC community? SuperKalam’s Telegram community is a vibrant space where you can connect with fellow aspirants, exchange study materials, discuss strategies, and stay motivated. 

By incorporating these study techniques into your 6-month plan, you’ll make the most of your limited time and approach the UPSC exam with confidence. Are you ready to optimize your study sessions and take your preparation to the next level?

Final Push: Preparing for the Last Weeks and Exam Day

As the UPSC exam draws closer, the final weeks become critical. This period is all about fine-tuning your preparation, focusing on weak areas, and getting into the right mindset. It’s no longer just about studying hard but studying smart, ensuring you're fully equipped to face the challenge ahead. So, how can you make the most of these last few weeks?

Sharpening Focus on Weak Areas

  • In the final stretch, prioritize revising topics that you're a little less confident about. 
  • Identify your weaker subjects through mock test results or self-assessment. 
  • If you struggle with Indian Polity or Ancient History, dedicate extra time to mastering those areas. 
  • Revisit your notes and use active recall to reinforce difficult concepts. 
  • Practice focused questions on those topics to solidify your understanding.

Simulating Exam Conditions

  • Try to get familiar with the real exam environment. 
  • Conduct full-length mock tests in a timed setting to mirror exam day. 
  • Learn to allocate time effectively for different sections. 
  • Simulate the same setup you’ll experience during the exam: same timing, same conditions.

Leveraging Mentors and Peers for Support

  • Mentors can provide expert advice on how to tackle challenging topics or manage exam stress. 
  • They can also review your practice answers and provide constructive feedback.
  • Make sure to reach out to your mentors for a final review and discuss any concerns or last-minute strategies. 
  • Keep your peer interactions focused and constructive, using this time to reinforce your knowledge and boost your confidence.

To support you even further, SuperKalam is now on WhatsApp! 

Practice PYQs, get reminders, and 24x7 Doubt Resolution anytime, anywhere.

Mental and Physical Preparation for Exam Day

  • Ensure you're sleeping well and maintaining a healthy diet to keep your energy levels stable. 
  • Incorporate some light physical exercise or meditation to manage stress. 
  • Keep your mind calm and focused so that you can perform at your best when it matters most. 
  • Additionally, plan logistics such as how you’ll reach the exam center and what you’ll need to carry to avoid last-minute stress.

Also watch: The Inspiring Story of Aspirants | Aspirants Anthem | SuperKalam 

By adopting these strategies, you'll enter the exam hall fully prepared—mentally, physically, and academically. 


As you strive to prepare for UPSC in 6 months, the path ahead is defined by a blend of consistent effort and strategic planning. This approach will help you build a solid foundation and refine your skills effectively.

To keep your spirits high, focus on maintaining a positive mindset. Break your preparation into manageable tasks, celebrate small victories, and stay connected with supportive mentors and peers. As Nelson Mandela wisely stated, "It always seems impossible until it’s done."

Believe in your ability to achieve your goals, stay committed to your plan, and remember that every effort you make brings you closer to success. Embrace the final stretch with enthusiasm and determination, knowing that your hard work will lead to great results. Keep moving forward, and let your perseverance drive you to triumph.

Want to Unlock Your Path to UPSC Success with Personal Guidance?
Join the GS Foundation Focus Batch for UPSC 2025 at SuperKalam and experience complete preparation with a focus on daily discipline and personal mentorship. Get access to: 

  • Daily Targets: Get GS targets with real-time progress tracking and model answers.
  • Unlimited Practice: Ask MCQs and PYQs by topic and difficulty for comprehensive practice.
  • Personal Mentorship: Direct access to SuperKalam mentors for 24x7 doubt resolution and personalized guidance.
  • Full Syllabus Coverage: From Prelims to Mains (including Ethics), study with your favorite teachers.
  • Current Affairs & Answer Writing: Stay updated with daily, weekly, and monthly current affairs modules. Plus, get a personal evaluation for your handwritten main answers.

Start your disciplined preparation journey today! For more details contact ask@kalam.in
