UPSC 2023 Mains GS2 Model Answer - Virus of conflict is affecting the functioning of the SCO”. In the light of the above statement, point out the role of India in mitigating the problems.
Feb, 2025
•2 min read
The "virus of conflict" has posed challenges to the functioning of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), impacting regional stability and cooperation. India's role in addressing these conflicts is crucial, focusing on diplomacy, multilateral engagement, and fostering economic collaboration.
Q9. Virus of conflict is affecting the functioning of the SCO”. In the light of the above statement, point out the role of India in mitigating the problems.
Model Answer:
Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an intergovernmental political, economic, and security alliance founded in 2001 by Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.
The SCO aims to promote cooperation and mutual support in areas such as trade, investment, energy, transportation, and security.
Virus of conflict affecting the functioning of SCO
- India-Pakistan Tensions - The longstanding animosity between India and Pakistan, particularly regarding Kashmir, creates a significant obstacle to regional security cooperation within the SCO. Mistrust between these two spills over into other areas, making joint counter-terrorism efforts difficult.
- China-India Border Disputes - Border disputes between China and India, like the 2017 Doklam standoff, create tension and limit military cooperation within the SCO.
- Central Asian Instability - Border clashes and competition for resources between SCO members in Central Asia, such as Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, highlight regional instability. These conflicts divert attention and resources away from broader SCO objectives.
- Geopolitical Rivalry -The larger geopolitical rivalry between the US, Russia, and China casts a shadow on the SCO. Member states may be caught in the middle, making it difficult to forge a unified regional front.
How India can play the roles in mitigating the problems -
- Promoting Dialogue and Cooperation in SCO - on the line of Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process, where India and Pakistan participated. Hoa conference can serve as a model for similar discussions within the SCO framework.
- India's strong cultural ties with SCO members due to shared Buddhist heritage can be a bridge.
- Joint anti-terror drills like "SCO-Peace Mission" can help in promoting regional security cooperation among member nation’s militaries.
- India's principles of Panchsheel (peaceful coexistence) and non-alignment can bridge divides within the SCO. India can leverage these principles to foster a cooperative spirit and steer the SCO back to its founding principles of trust and mutual benefit.
- As highlighted by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar in a speech at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Council of Foreign Ministers meeting, India can advocate for infrastructure projects that connect SCO members, fostering economic interdependence and reducing potential flashpoints.
- Shared economic prosperity can create a strong foundation for regional stability. India can advocate for increased trade and investment between SCO members, fostering a win-win situation for all.
The SCO has the potential to be a powerful force for good in the region. By leveraging its diplomatic skills, cultural heritage, and commitment to dialogue, India can play a vital role in mitigating conflicts and fostering a more peaceful and prosperous future for all SCO members.
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