UPSC 2021 Mains GS3 Model Answer -Do you agree that the Indian economy has recently experienced a V-shaped recovery? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Feb, 2025
•1 min read
Q.11 Do you agree that the Indian economy has recently experienced a V-shaped recovery? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Model Answer:
The COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented disruptions to economies worldwide, and India was no exception. The concept of a V-shaped recovery suggests a rapid decline followed by a quick rebound to pre-crisis levels.
V- shape recovery
GDP Growth: India's GDP contracted sharply by 24.4% in Q1 FY2021 but rebounded to positive growth by Q3 FY2021. This rapid turnaround in GDP growth rates does resemble a V-shaped pattern.
Industrial Production: The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) saw a sharp decline followed by a relatively quick recovery, supporting the V-shaped recovery narrative.
Stock Market Performance: The Indian stock market, as represented by indices like the Sensex and Nifty, showed a V-shaped recovery, bouncing back strongly after the initial crash in March 2020.
Uneven Sectoral Recovery: While some sectors like IT and pharmaceuticals recovered quickly, others such as hospitality, tourism, and small businesses continued to struggle, indicating an uneven recovery across the economy.
Employment Challenges: The labor market recovery has been slower and less pronounced than other economic indicators, with unemployment rates remaining higher than pre-pandemic levels for an extended period.
Informal Sector Impact: The informal sector, which employs a significant portion of India's workforce, faced severe disruptions and a slower recovery, which is not fully captured in official GDP figures.
Government Interventions: Stimulus packages and policy measures by the government and the Reserve Bank of India played a crucial role in supporting the recovery, but their long-term effects are yet to be fully realized.
While certain aspects of the Indian economy, particularly GDP growth rates and stock market performance, exhibited characteristics of a V-shaped recovery during the COVID-19 period. The recovery has been uneven across sectors, with persistent challenges in employment and the informal economy. A more accurate description might be a K-shaped recovery, where different sectors and segments of the population experienced divergent trajectories.
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