UPSC 2018 Mains GS1 Model Answer - Communalism arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation.’ Argue by giving suitable illustrations.



Feb, 2025

1 min read

Q20. Communalism arises either due to power struggle or relative deprivation.’ Argue by giving suitable illustrations.

Model Answer:


Communalism, the belief in the importance of communal identities, often arises from power struggles or relative deprivation. Understanding these dynamics reveals how societal tensions escalate.


Power Struggle

  1. Political Manipulation: Leaders exploit communal identities for electoral gains, leading to heightened tensions.
  2. Resource Control: Groups vie for access to resources, inciting conflict between communities.
  3. Historical Rivalries: Long-standing grievances can resurface during political instability, intensifying communal divisions.
  4. Social Media Influence: Online platforms amplify polarizing content, escalating existing power struggles within communities.
  5. International Conflicts: Global power dynamics can exacerbate local communal tensions, as seen in the Middle East.

Relative Deprivation

  1. Economic Inequality: Disparities in wealth distribution breed resentment, leading to communal strife.
  2. Social Exclusion: Marginalized groups feel deprived of opportunities, fostering communal identity as a response.
  3. Educational Disparities: Access to quality education can vary, leading to perceived injustices among communities.
  4. Cultural Marginalization: Communities feeling overlooked in cultural narratives may resort to communal identity for recognition.
  5. Recent Protests: The 2020 Black Lives Matter protests highlighted feelings of relative deprivation among marginalized communities in the U.S.


Communalism thrives on power struggles and relative deprivation, underscoring the need for equitable policies to foster harmony and unity.

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