UPSC 2013 Mains GS2 Model Answer - The protests in Shahbag Square in Dhaka in Bangladesh reveal a fundamental split in society between the nationalists and Islamic forces. What is its significance for India?



Feb, 2025

1 min read

Q21. The protests in Shahbag Square in Dhaka in Bangladesh reveal a fundamental split in society between the nationalists and Islamic forces. What is its significance for India?

Model Answer:


The Shahbagh Square protests in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which began in 2013, were sparked by demands for the death penalty for war criminals from the 1971 Liberation War. These protests brought to the forefront a deep societal divide between nationalist secular forces and conservative Islamic groups, revealing significant ideological and political tensions in Bangladesh. The significance of these events extends beyond Bangladesh’s borders and holds important implications for India.


Significance for India:

  • Impact on Secularism vs. Islamism: The Shahbagh protests emphasized the ongoing battle in Bangladesh between secular nationalism, represented by the protesters calling for justice for war crimes, and Islamist forces, including groups like Jamaat-e-Islami, which oppose the war crimes trials. India, as a secular state, watches closely as these dynamics unfold, given its challenges of balancing secularism and religious identities.
  • Security Implications: The rise of Islamic radicalism and the involvement of Islamist groups in Bangladesh could have security ramifications for India, especially in terms of cross-border terrorism, radicalization, and the potential for increased ideological conflict in the region. The rise of extremism in Bangladesh could lead to destabilization, affecting India’s security along the shared border.
  • Geopolitical Balance: Bangladesh’s internal political struggle between secular forces and Islamist factions could influence its foreign policy, particularly towards India. India has historically supported the secular forces in Bangladesh, and shifts in Bangladesh's internal dynamics could alter the tone of bilateral relations, especially in terms of security cooperation and regional stability.
  • Migration and Refugee Concerns: Political instability in Bangladesh, especially resulting from the rise of extremism, could trigger migration waves into India, particularly in border states like West Bengal and Assam. This could lead to social and economic challenges.


The Shahbagh Square protests and the resultant split in Bangladesh society have implications for India, especially in terms of regional security, migration issues, and the broader dynamics of secularism and radicalism in South Asia. India must closely monitor these developments to safeguard its strategic interests and maintain regional stability.

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