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Q9. Case Study

With the multi-pronged strategy of the Central and State Governments especially in the last few years, the naxalite problem has been resolved to a large extent in the affected states of the country. However, there are a few pockets in certain states where the naxalite problem still persists, mainly due to involvement of foreign countries. Rohit is posted as SP (Special Operations) for the last one year, in one of the districts which is still affected by the naxalite problem. The district administration has taken a lot of developmental works in the recent past in the naxalite affected areas to win the hearts and minds of the people. Over a period of time, Rohit has established an excellent intelligence network to get the real time information regarding the movement of naxalite cadres. To instill confidence in the public and have moral ascendancy over the naxalites, a number of cordons and search operations are being conducted by the police. Rohit, who himself was leading one of the contingents, got a message through his intelligence source that about ten hard core naxalites were hiding in a particular village with sophisticated weapons. Without wasting any time, Rohit reached the target village with his team and laid out a foolproof cordon and started carrying out a systematic search. During the search, his team managed to overpower all the naxalites along with their automatic weapons. However, in the meantime, more than five hundred tribal women surrounded the village and started marching towards the target house. They were shouting and demanding the immediate release of insurgents since they are their protectors and saviors. The situation on the ground was becoming very critical as the tribal women were extremely agitated and aggressive. Rohit tried to contact his superior officer, IG (SpecialOperations) of the state on the radio set and on mobile phone, but failed to do so due to poor connectivity. Rohit was in great dilemma since out of the naxalites apprehended, two were not only hard core top insurgents with prize money of ₹ ten lakhs on their heads, but were also involved in a recent ambush on the security forces. However, if he did not release the naxalites, the situation could get out of control since the tribal women were aggressively charging towards them. In that case, to control the situation Rohit might have to resort to firing which may lead to valuable loss of lives of civilians and would further complicate the situation.

  1. What are the options available with Rohit to cope with the situation ? 
  2. What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Rohit?
  3. Which of the options, do you think, would be more appropriate for Rohit to adopt and why ?
  4. In the present situation, what are the extra precautionary measures to be taken by the police in dealing with women protesters? (Answer in 250 words)


According to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) data, Naxal violence dropped by 77% between 2010 and 2022, and affected districts have decreased from 126 in 2010 to 46 in 2023. Despite progress, some areas still face sporadic insurgencies fueled by local grievances and external influences.


Stakeholders Involved: 

  • Rohit (SP, Special Operations)
  • Naxalites (Insurgents)
  • Tribal Women (Protesters)
  • Local Community (Tribal Population)
  • District Administration
  • Police Force

  1. Options Available to Rohit:
  • Negotiate with the Tribal Women: Engage the women in dialogue to de-escalate tensions and buy time until reinforcement arrives.
  • Use Non-Lethal Force: Employ non-lethal measures such as tear gas or water cannons to disperse the crowd while ensuring minimal harm.
  • Release Some Insurgents: Consider releasing low-level insurgents to temporarily pacify the crowd, ensuring the safety of officers and civilians.
  • Stand Ground and Wait for Reinforcements: Hold the current position and prevent the situation from escalating further, hoping the women will disperse with time or after negotiations.
  • Retreat Temporarily: Fall back to a safer position and regroup with reinforcements, avoiding a direct confrontation.

  1. Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Rohit:
  • Safety of Civilians vs. National Security: Rohit must balance protecting civilians from potential harm during a confrontation and ensuring dangerous insurgents do not escape, which would jeopardize future security.
  • Law Enforcement vs. Humanitarian Considerations: Adhering to legal obligations to apprehend insurgents conflicts with humanitarian concerns about using force against civilians, especially women.
  • Public Trust vs. Tactical Success: Using force might undermine the developmental efforts and damage public trust, while letting the insurgents go could affect the police's credibility and morale.

(c) Most Appropriate Option:

The most appropriate option for Rohit would be negotiation and de-escalation. Engaging the tribal women in dialogue offers a non-violent approach, minimizing the risk of civilian casualties. This option aligns with the long-term strategy of winning hearts and minds through development work, maintaining public trust while avoiding the use of force. At the same time, it allows Rohit to hold the insurgents and wait for further instructions or reinforcements.

(d) Precautionary Measures in Dealing with Women Protesters:

  • Non-Lethal Crowd Control: Use non-violent methods such as tear gas, water cannons, or loudspeakers to calm the crowd without causing harm.
  • Female Police Officers: Deploy female officers to engage with the protesters, as they may handle the situation more sensitively and with less likelihood of escalation.
  • Continuous Dialogue: Keep communication lines open with community leaders to understand their concerns and de-escalate tensions without resorting to violence.
  • Avoid Use of Force: Refrain from using lethal force unless absolutely necessary to prevent further alienation of the local population.


Rohit's dilemma involves balancing national security with the protection of civilian lives. A strategic, non-violent approach that emphasizes negotiation and de-escalation is most appropriate in maintaining public trust and reducing the likelihood of further conflict.

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