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Social media and encrypted messaging services present significant security challenges, including misinformation and privacy breaches. In response, various measures have been implemented at governmental and organizational levels to mitigate these risks, such as regulatory frameworks and awareness campaigns. Additional remedies, including enhancing digital literacy and fostering collaboration between stakeholders, are essential for comprehensive security management.

Q20. Social media and encrypting messaging services pose a serious security challenge. What measures have been adopted at various levels to address the security implications of social media? Also suggest any other remedies to address the problem.

Model Answer:


The widespread use of social media and encrypted messaging services has revolutionized communication but also introduced significant security challenges, including the spread of misinformation, hate speech, and terrorist activities.


Measures Adopted at the Government Level:

  • Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code Rules, 2021some text
    • Mandates social media platforms to appoint grievance officers, trace message origins, and remove unlawful content within 24 hours. These rules are part of the Information Technology Act, 2000 to curb digital misuse.
  • Fact-Checking Initiatives
    • Partnerships with the Press Information Bureau (PIB) and independent fact checkers to combat misinformation, especially during crises like COVID19.
  • Direct Communication
    • Government agencies use platforms like Twitter and Facebook to provide real time updates and counter misinformation.

Measures Adopted at the Platform Level:

  • Community Guidelines
    • Platforms like Facebook and Twitter enforce strict standards against hate speech and terrorist content. Twitter removed 3.5 million accounts in 2020 for violations.
  • AI Moderation
    • Advanced AI systems flag over 90% of harmful posts before user reports, significantly reducing the spread of toxic content.
  • Fact-Checking Partnerships
    • Platforms collaborate with organizations like AltNews and Boom Live to verify information and curb fake news.

Measures Adopted at the Individual Level:

  • Digital Literacy Programs
    • Initiatives like Cyber Swachhta Kendra promote responsible digital use. Over 3.5 million people have benefited from these programs.
  • Privacy Awareness
    • Users are encouraged to use privacy settings like two-factor authentication to secure personal data.

Other Remedies:

  • Stricter Regulations
    • Laws like the EU Digital Services Act could inspire stricter accountability for platforms in India.
  • Promoting Competition
    • Supporting domestic platforms like Koo can reduce dependency on global giants.
  • Research and Development
    • Investing in cybersecurity and AI tools will strengthen monitoring and counter illicit activities.


In conclusion, a balanced approach of regulation, platform responsibility, and user education is key to addressing social media’s security risks. Social media should be used correctly for creative or constructive reasons to be progressive for humanity and society as a whole rather than regressive, as we must guard against its negative effects.

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