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Urban flooding is a significant climate-induced disaster fueled by rapid urbanization, poor drainage systems, and shifting rainfall patterns. The 2015 Chennai floods and 2020 Delhi floods underscore the necessity for effective policies. In response, India has enacted strategies like the National Disaster Management Act and urban flood management guidelines to tackle this challenge.

Q18. Flooding in urban areas is an emerging climate-induced disaster. Discuss the causes of this disaster. Mention the features of two such major floods that occurred in India in the last two decades. Describe the policies and frameworks in India that aim at tackling such floods.

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Urban flooding refers to the inundation of land or property in densely populated areas  and has emerged as a significant climate-induced disaster in India. Unlike traditional floods that occur in rural or natural settings, urban flooding is exacerbated by the impervious surfaces in cities which prevent water absorption.


Causes of Urban Flooding:

  • Increased Rainfall Intensity: Climate change has led to a rise in the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall events. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), the average annual rainfall in India has increased by about 7% over the last century.
  • Urbanization: Rapid urban growth has led to the replacement of natural land cover with impermeable surfaces. The World Bank estimates that over 30% of India's population currently lives in urban areas, a number expected to rise to 600 million by 2031.
  • Poor Drainage Systems: Many urban areas lack efficient drainage systems capable of managing heavy rain. For instance, a study in Delhi showed that only about 40% of the city's drainage network is functional, leading to significant waterlogging during monsoon seasons.
  • Encroachment on Floodplains: Development in flood prone areas and along riverbanks increases vulnerability to flooding. 

Major Urban Floods in India in the Last Two Decades:

  • Mumbai Floods (2005):some text
    • Impact: The floods led to over 1,000 fatalities and extensive economic losses. Critical infrastructure was severely impacted, with significant disruptions to transportation, communication, and power supply.
    • Causes: The main factors included intense rainfall of about 944 mm of rainfall in just one day, inadequate drainage systems, and encroachment on natural water bodies, which hindered water flow.
  • Chennai Floods (2015):some text
    • Impact: The floods resulted in over 500 deaths and displaced thousands, with economic damages estimated at around $3 billion.
    • Causes: Contributing factors included 1,000 mm of heavy rainfall in a day, poor urban planning, encroachment on wetlands, and insufficient drainage systems, exacerbating the flooding situation.

Policies and Frameworks to Tackle Flooding:

  • National Flood Control Program: This program focuses on strengthening flood management measures, enhancing drainage systems, and promoting sustainable land use practices.
  • Flood Management and River Training Act: This act provides guidelines for the regulation and management of river systems to mitigate flood risks.
  • National Disaster Management Act (2005): This framework emphasizes disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation strategies, mandating states to develop their disaster management plans, including flood management.
  • Smart Cities Mission: This initiative aims to develop urban infrastructure in a sustainable manner, integrating advanced drainage and water management systems in city planning.


Urban flooding in India is a complex issue driven by climatic changes and urban development challenges. Addressing this crisis requires a multifaceted approach that combines improved infrastructure, effective disaster management policies, and sustainable urban planning. By learning from past flood events and implementing robust frameworks, India can enhance its resilience against future urban flooding disasters.

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