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Despite comprehensive constitutional policies aimed at equity and social justice, many underprivileged groups in India are yet to fully benefit from affirmative action programs. This model answer delves into the reasons behind this disparity, including challenges like ineffective implementation, lack of awareness, and socio-economic barriers. It also discusses how these gaps hinder the realization of constitutional goals.

Q18. Despite comprehensive policies for equity and social justice, underprivileged sections are not yet getting the full benefits of the affirmative actions envisaged by the constitutions. Comment 

Model Answer:


Despite India's constitutional provisions (Article 15 and 46) for equity and social justice, underprivileged communities often fail to reap the full benefits of affirmative action. This situation raises critical questions about the implementation and effectiveness of these policies in practice. 


Reasons Behind the Gap 

  • Poor Policy Implementation Hinders Access to Benefits: The gap between policy and practice persists due to inadequate oversight, especially in rural areas where administrative reach is limited. For example,  a 2022 study by Azim Premji University in Haryana and Rajasthan shows only 45% OBCs receive reserved jobs.
  • Awareness Gap Among Targeted Communities: Many marginalized groups lack proper information or education about the programs available, limiting their participation. 
  • Caste Discrimination Perpetuates Inequality in Access: Caste-based bias continues in educational institutions and workplaces, reducing the effectiveness of reservations for Scheduled Castes and Tribes. A 2021 report from the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration noted persistent discrimination in higher education institutions, affecting access for SC/ST students.
  • Economic Disparities Obstruct Educational and Job Opportunities: Wealth inequality limits access to quality education and job prospects, compounding marginalization despite constitutional safeguards. As per Economic Survey 2021, Only 19% rural SC households access private schooling.
  • Bureaucratic Delays in Delivering Affirmative Action Benefits: Administrative inefficiencies, like delays in caste certification, prevent timely access to reserved resources, frustrating beneficiaries.
  •  Political Tokenism and Vote Bank Politics: While affirmative actions are championed during elections, long-term commitment to their enforcement is often absent
  • Privatization Reduces Public Sector Employment Opportunities: privatization limits the effectiveness of reservation policies, which largely apply to public sector jobs, leading to fewer opportunities. 
  • Political interference and elite capture of affirmative action:  Political elites skew affirmative action policies to benefit influential interests , compromising fairness for genuinely underprivileged groups. 

Recommendations to improve the situation 

  • Kaka Kalelkar Commission (1955): Urged clear guidelines for identifying backward classes to avoid elite capture of reserved benefits.
  • Mandal Commission (1980): Recommended the creation of an independent body to monitor OBC reservations and prevent misuse.
  • Sachar Committee (2006): Suggested regular socio-economic surveys for ensuring real-time monitoring of marginalized groups' progress.
  • Rangnath Mishra Commission (2007): Proposed expanding reservation benefits to economically backward sections among all religions for broader inclusivity.
  • B. R. Ambedkar (Constituent Assembly): Emphasized that “reservations must not be diluted by half-hearted execution; the spirit of the law must be honored for true equity.” 


In conclusion, the persistent gap between constitutional provisions and the actual benefits received by underprivileged communities underscores a systemic failure in policy execution. To realize true equity and social justice, it is imperative to address implementation challenges, enhance awareness, and ensure genuine political commitment. Only through robust reforms and accountability can we honor the spirit of affirmative action envisioned by our Constitution. 

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