Q2a. Corruption is the manifestation of the failure of core values in the society.’’ In your opinion what measures can be adopted to uplift the core values in the society?

Model Answer:


Corruption reflects a breakdown in society's core values, such as integrity, justice, and transparency. Uplifting these values is essential to foster ethical behaviour and ensure societal progress. This requires a multi-faceted approach, engaging all sections of society. 


Measures to uplift the core values 

  1. Education System Reform: Schools and universities play a pivotal role in inculcating values. Integrating ethical education alongside technical skills can instil moral integrity among students. Curricula should emphasize respect, fairness, and empathy​. 
  2. Family and Social Influence: The family remains the first and most influential source of values. Parents must model integrity and justice to create a morally strong foundation for children​. 
  3. Civic Engagement and Leadership: Leaders and role models, both in politics and civil society, must demonstrate moral leadership. Encouraging transparency and responsibility can set a positive example for others​. 
  4. Media's Role: Media can be a force for good by promoting ethical behaviours and showcasing the consequences of corruption and dishonesty​. 
  5. Making Ethics Profitable: Designing systems where ethical behaviour leads to tangible benefits. For instance, businesses that maintain transparency could receive tax breaks, or citizens reporting corruption could receive rewards. 


Uplifting core values in society requires sustained effort from educational institutions, families, leaders, and media. Through these collaborative measures, a culture of integrity can be fostered, reducing corruption and promoting a more ethical society.

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