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Urbanization in Indian metropolises often exacerbates segregation and marginalization of the poor, as rapid development creates stark divides between affluent areas and slums. Factors such as inadequate housing, limited access to basic services, and discriminatory policies contribute to the exclusion of marginalized communities.

Q18. Does urbanization lead to more segregation and/or marginalization of the poor in Indian metropolises?

Model Answer:


Urbanisation in Indian metropolises often exacerbates segregation and marginalisation of the poor due to several intertwined factors:


  •  Economic Disparities : Rapid urbanisation attracts a large influx of migrants seeking better livelihoods. However, economic opportunities are not evenly distributed. High-paying jobs and better living conditions are typically concentrated in affluent areas, while low-income migrants often end up in informal settlements or slums. These areas lack basic amenities, creating a stark contrast between wealthy and impoverished neighbourhoods.
  •  Housing Inequality: The real estate market in Indian cities is largely unaffordable for the urban poor. The demand for housing far exceeds supply, driving up prices and rents. Consequently, low-income families are pushed to the city's peripheries or into overcrowded slums. These informal settlements often lack legal recognition, which means residents face constant threats of eviction and have limited access to public services.
  • Access to Services: Basic services like healthcare, education, and sanitation are disproportionately allocated. Affluent areas benefit from better infrastructure and services, while slums and low-income neighbourhoods struggle with inadequate facilities. This unequal access perpetuates a cycle of poverty, as the poor are unable to avail themselves of the opportunities needed to improve their socio-economic status.
  • Social Segregation: The physical and economic divide between the rich and the poor leads to social segregation. Gated communities and exclusive residential complexes for the wealthy create barriers to social interaction and integration. This segregation reinforces stereotypes and prejudices, further marginalising the poor.
  •  Policy and Governance : Urban planning and policies often prioritise the needs of the middle and upper classes. Development projects, infrastructure improvements, and urban renewal initiatives frequently lead to the displacement of slum dwellers and the urban poor, without adequate rehabilitation or compensation. This approach marginalises the poor, pushing them further into the fringes of society.
  •   Informal Employment: A significant portion of the urban poor is engaged in the informal economy, which lacks job security, benefits, and legal protections. This precarious employment situation limits their upward mobility and keeps them trapped in poverty. Moreover, informal workers are often excluded from policy decisions and urban planning processes, further marginalising their interests.
  •   Discrimination and Exclusion : Marginalised groups, including migrants, Dalits, and religious minorities, face systemic discrimination in housing, employment, and access to services. This discrimination exacerbates their marginalisation in urban settings, limiting their ability to fully participate in urban life.


While urbanisation holds the promise of economic growth and improved living standards, it also brings challenges of segregation and marginalisation for the urban poor in Indian metropolises. Addressing these issues requires inclusive urban planning, equitable access to services, affordable housing policies, and targeted interventions to uplift marginalised communities. Only through such comprehensive measures can the benefits of urbanisation be more evenly distributed across all socio-economic strata.

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