UPSC 2021 Mains GS2 Model Answer - Critically examine the aims and objectives of SCO. What importance does it hold for India?



Feb, 2025

3 min read

Q.19 Critically examine the aims and objectives of SCO. What importance does it hold for India?

Model Answer:


The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a Eurasian political, economic, and security alliance that was established on June 15, 2001, in Shanghai, China. The founding members include China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. India and Pakistan joined the organisation as full members in 2017, and Iran became the ninth member in 2023.


Aims and Objectives of the SCO

  1. Strengthening Mutual Trust and Neighborliness: The SCO aims to foster mutual trust and good-neighbourly relations among member states. This is crucial for maintaining regional stability and peace.
  2. Promoting Effective Cooperation: The organisation seeks to promote cooperation in political, economic, cultural, and humanitarian fields. This includes collaboration in areas such as trade, energy, transportation, and environmental protection.
  3. Ensuring Regional Security and Stability: One of the primary objectives is to combat terrorism, separatism, and extremism. The Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the SCO plays a significant role in this regard.
  4. Facilitating Economic Integration: The SCO aims to create favourable conditions for economic growth and development. This includes initiatives to enhance trade, investment, and infrastructure connectivity among member states.
  5. Promoting Cultural Exchange: The organisation encourages cultural exchanges and cooperation in education, science, and technology to foster mutual understanding and respect among the peoples of member states.
  6. Enhancing Multilateralism: The SCO advocates for a more representative and multipolar world order, emphasising the importance of multilateralism in addressing global challenges.

Importance of SCO for India

  1. Strategic and Security Interests:
    • Counter-Terrorism: India's participation in the SCO provides a platform to collaborate on counter-terrorism efforts, particularly through the RATS mechanism.
    • Regional Stability: The SCO helps India engage with Central Asian countries and other member states to ensure regional stability and security.
  2. Economic and Trade Opportunities:
    • Connectivity Projects: The SCO offers opportunities for India to enhance connectivity with Central Asia, which is crucial for trade and energy security. Projects like the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) are significant in this context.
    • Market Access: Membership in the SCO provides India with access to new markets in Central Asia and beyond, facilitating trade and investment.
  3. Energy Security:
    • Energy Cooperation: Central Asia is rich in energy resources, and the SCO framework allows India to explore energy cooperation and secure its energy needs.
  4. Geopolitical Influence:
    • Balancing China: India's presence in the SCO helps balance China's influence in the region. It provides a platform for India to assert its strategic interests and engage in regional diplomacy.
    • Engagement with Russia: The SCO also strengthens India's ties with Russia, a key strategic partner.
  5. Cultural and People-to-People Ties:
    • Cultural Exchange: The SCO promotes cultural exchanges, which help in building people-to-people ties and fostering mutual understanding.

Critical Examination

While the SCO offers several benefits, there are also challenges and limitations:

  1. Diverse Interests: The member states have diverse political systems, economic interests, and strategic priorities, which can sometimes lead to conflicting interests and hinder effective cooperation.
  2. China's Dominance: China's dominant position within the SCO can be a concern for India, as it may influence the organisation's agenda and decision-making processes.
  3. Pakistan Factor: The inclusion of Pakistan in the SCO adds a layer of complexity to India's engagement, given the historical and ongoing tensions between the two countries.
  4. Limited Economic Integration: Despite the potential for economic cooperation, the level of economic integration among SCO member states remains limited. Infrastructure and connectivity challenges need to be addressed to realise the full potential of economic cooperation.


The SCO is a significant regional organisation with the potential to enhance cooperation in various fields, including security, economic development, and cultural exchange. For India, the SCO offers strategic, economic, and geopolitical benefits. However, the organisation also faces challenges that need to be addressed to achieve its full potential. India's active engagement and constructive participation in the SCO can help in advancing its national interests and contributing to regional stability and development.

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