UPSC 2018 Mains GS2 Model Answer - Why do you think the committees are considered to be useful for parliamentary work? Discuss, in this context, the role of the Estimates Committee.



Feb, 2025

1 min read

Q4. Why do you think the committees are considered to be useful for parliamentary work? Discuss, in this context, the role of the Estimates Committee.

Model Answer:


Parliamentary committees are vital instruments for effective legislative functioning. They are smaller, specialized groups that examine specific issues in detail and provide insights, helping Parliament function more efficiently. One such committee is the Estimates Committee, which focuses on the examination of government expenditures.


Why Committees Are Useful:

  • Detailed Examination: Parliamentary committees can scrutinize issues in greater depth than is possible in full parliamentary sessions. They provide expert insights and allow for focused debate.
  • Efficiency in Functioning: Committees help reduce the burden on Parliament by examining legislation and policies before they are debated by the full House. They enable more effective lawmaking and oversight.
  • Expertise and Specialization: Committee members often include MPs with relevant expertise or interest in the subject matter, which helps in more informed deliberations.
  • Bipartisan Approach: Committees provide a platform for MPs from different parties to collaborate and arrive at a consensus, improving the quality of recommendations.

Role of the Estimates Committee:

  • Examination of Expenditure: The Estimates Committee scrutinizes how government departments are utilizing funds and ensures that expenditures are justified and in line with budgetary allocations.
  • Suggestions for Efficiency: It recommends measures for reducing wasteful expenditure, improving administrative efficiency, and ensuring that public funds are spent optimally.
  • Evaluation of Policies: The committee evaluates the performance of ministries in relation to their financial allocations and suggests improvements for better policy implementation.
  • Continuing Review: The Estimates Committee provides a continuous review of government spending, ensuring that fiscal discipline is maintained throughout the financial year.


Parliamentary committees, especially the Estimates Committee, play a critical role in ensuring accountability, financial prudence, and efficient government functioning. By reviewing expenditures and providing recommendations, the Estimates Committee strengthens fiscal oversight and contributes to more responsible governance.

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